A forgotten friendship...impossible
"A true friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget..."
This is a bit of a sad post. When a friendship suddenly turns into a relationship that last six years in total, I could have only hoped that at least the friendship will continue - but i guess it won't...
My one true friend has totally changed. I have not seen him since December last year. Not that we can't, he just won't. Even talking to him telephonically is a problem. I usually ask "Do you have a minute to chat" and the usual reply is yes but the moment I ask e.g. "how are things?" then suddenly "he's got to go" or "busy with a crisis" or "i have a colleague with me and I can't talk".
I still love him and always will. He was my first true love and yes I will always have that special place in my heart for him. How can he now claim (approx four months later) that he no longer loves me and that he loves the new rebound in his life? They got together only two months after we broke up but I found out the hard way that actually they'd been hanging together while we were still in a relationship.
I am not jealous about them, nor angry at the loss of him just angry at the loss of our special friendship. Through all the abovementioned shit I still felt he was my best friend. I still waited patiently for him to one day contact me and ask to hang out. I still talk of him with respect, honor and i am proud that I even got a chance to be a part of his life.
I knew that in the back of my mind, he told me that he will always have a special place in his life for me, he will always be there for me when i need advice, he will be there for me in my time of need.
This lie was exposed today...
I wrote to him saying I needed his advice and honestly these were my words:
"As a friend that I normally used to talk to, I feel like I want to ask your advice.
I'm totally confused and depressed and in need of some guidance.
I think I already made up my mind but just for confirmation from someone I trust please.
If you ok with this , I will explain."
this was his reply:
"No offense, but I don't think I know you. How do you know me? Just
asking, have gotten emails intended for others before."
This is way in which I intend ending this post because I have that "You cannot say you've lost a friend. If a friendship is capable of ending, it is because it never existed."
and that is not what I would have hoped to be happening...
If he trully had the intention, to :
1) firstly break up with me telephonically, then
2) refuse to see me,
3) refuse to send my christmas gift to me (even though I went through the effort of couriering his),
4) refuse to answer my calls at times,
5) refuse to ever have been in a relatioship with me,
6) delete all pictures of me from his Facebook profile,
7) delete all pictures of me from his Flickr profile
8) delete all my wall posts sent to him on Facebook,
9) delete me as a friend on Facebook and never add me again,
10) claim that he has no love for me
11) be nasty to me and give me crap answers like this when all i asked for was some advice....
then really...he is not the friend that I thought he was and he is not the person that I knew and fell in love with...he also not the person I wish to ever be accociated with and sadly, he is not the person I wish to call my friend...
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